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Science Festival Participation Survey

Writer: Julie Ann FoosheeJulie Ann Fooshee

If you've reached this page via a QR code it's because you met me in the field and I passed you one of my research stickers. First of all thank you so much for asking to learn more about my research and to take my survey.

To take part in the survey I am asking that you be 18+ years of age! The survey is currently only available in English but in the future I hope to be able to expand this work and provide more data to others in other languages.

If you are having trouble accessing the survey or if you have encountered issues with the survey you can contact me via the contact form here on the website or by emailing me at: [s1681416 @ sms . ed . ac . uk]

Before you take the survey yu will be shown a Participant Information Sheet. If you would like to read that separately before the survey I have copied that here below!

Study: Understanding the Experiences of Audience Members with Disabilities attending Science Festivals in the UK.

You are being invited to complete a survey on accessibility at science festivals. This is part of a larger research study on accessibility at science festivals. To help you decide if you want to take part, it is important for you to understand why the research study is being done and what it will involve for you. You can ask us any questions to help you decide if you wish to take part in this research after reading the following information. 

Who is organising the research?

This study has been organised by Julie Ann Fooshee, a PhD student at the University of Edinburgh.

Who has reviewed the study?

A favourable ethical opinion has been obtained from the Edinburgh Medical School Research Ethics Committee.


If you want to find out more about the research, please contact:

Julie Ann Fooshee

University of Edinburgh


What is the purpose of this study?

This survey is being undertaken to study science festivals and science events and their engagement with audience members who have disabilities. 

The wider research study is also looking at how festivals support audiences with disabilities in their design, programming, and the types of locations they hold events.


Can I participate?

 If you are aged 18 years or over you can participate.


If you are on this landing page you have self-identified that you can answer questions around your own experiences at live events and science festivals. You may or may not have a disability which has impacted your experiences at these events which you can answer questions about.

What are the possible benefits of taking part?

Your contributions will assist the researcher in understanding how science festivals in the UK provide for individuals with disabilities and how festivals can address and reduce barriers to participation for individuals with disabilities.

This study may inform the science festival sector in how to best engage attendees at festivals and offer ways to integrate the results of this study in meaningful ways.

Are there any risks associated with taking part?

There are unlikely to be any significant risks involved with taking part in this survey. Some questions may cause you to be reflective of your disability in situations at science festivals which you have encountered.

Do I have to take part in this study?

No. Participation in this study is completely voluntary.


Data protection and Confidentiality

No personal data is being collected and responses are anonymous.

Data will be stored on University of Edinburgh servers for five years.



 Should you have any concerns or complaints about this research, please reach out to the Dean of Biomedical Sciences at: or the Edinburgh Medical School Research Ethics Committee at


Legal basis of the research:

The legal basis of this research is for the public interest.


To continue to take the survey you can click the button below. The same Participant Information Sheet will be visible but you will have to read through and consent before proceeding to the questions.

Thank you for your time and interest!




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